EP 174 Can Toxins be Contributing to Your Fertility Challenges? | Jenna Hua

Jenna Hua’s extensive experience as an academic and health advocate led to her founding Million Marker in 2019, shortly after completing a Postdoctoral Fellowship with Stanford University’s School of Medicine. Throughout her career in academia, Jenna has researched and published numerous studies that largely focused on citizens science, general health, and the impact of food consumption on a person’s well-being. In one of her most recent publications, Jenna used machine learning to identify people based on food consumed in order to offer healthier food options. She also published another report that studied the arsenic exposure and risks of eating rice within adolescents in Kunming, China. Jenna has been a Project Manager for UNC’s Carolina Population Center, a Graduate Instructor and Research Assistant at UC Berkeley, and a Project Manager at UCLA’s Center for Population Research. She was also a US Fulbright Fellow at the Institute of International Education in Kunming, China. Jenna holds a BS in Nutrition and an MPH and PhD in Environmental Health Sciences from UC Berkeley.





For more information about Michelle, visit www.michelleoravitz.com

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2149554308396504/

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholesomelotus/


EP 175 Five Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Conceive


EP 173 Who Can Benefit from an Egg Donor or Surrogate? | Jenna DeFord