Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

Trying to Conceive? 5 Foods that Support Reproductive Health

If you are trying to have a baby and having challenges, you are not alone. Statistics show that 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or have trouble sustaining a pregnancy in the United States. Despite this fact, there are certain steps you can take to increase your chances of having a child. Making better nutritional choices daily is just one place to start. 

If you are trying to have a baby yet are experiencing challenges, you are not alone. Statistics show that 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or have trouble sustaining a pregnancy in the United States. Despite this statistic, there are certain steps you can take to increase your chances of having a child. Making better nutritional choices daily is an important place to start. 

Navigating the world of nutritional advice can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to fertility challenges. You may feel overwhelmed when trying to decipher conflicting information from family members, friends, blogs, magazines, and more. Fortunately, your food does matter and can have a positive impact on your fertility journey. Read on to learn about five foods that can help you along the way. 

Foods That Support Fertility Health

Full-Fat Dairy

A 2021 meta-analysis of 27 studies, published in the Journal of The American College of Nutrition, suggests that consuming dairy foods may actually reduce inflammation rather than cause it, contrary to popular belief. Keep in mind that this doesn’t apply for those who have dairy sensitivities or are lactose intolerant. 

Data from a study in Frontier's in Public Health has shown that those suffering from ovulatory infertility may benefit from the incorporation of full-fat dairy into their diet, as opposed to opting for fat-free dairy options. This is due to the fact that low-fat dairy consumption is associated with an increased risk of ovulatory infertility.


Sardines are an excellent source of DHA omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein, and feature a variety of fertility-supporting nutrients. Studies have shown that couples who consumed more fish had a higher likelihood of conceiving. 

Because sardines are smaller fish, they have lower levels of mercury, making them a pregnancy-friendly food. Adding sardines to snacks and meals is an easy way to get a fertility boost.


This whole grain fuels your body with iron, B vitamins, and fiber. They play a role in supporting the endometrial lining, which is where the embryo implants. Endometrial thickness is correlated with higher positive fertility outcomes. The thicker the endometrial lining, the higher the chance of attaining a pregnancy and live birth. 

Lean Beef 

Lean beef is a powerhouse of protein and is packed with essential nutrients like zinc. Zinc plays an important role in the fertility diet of both males and females, as it is necessary for sperm health and egg quality. Be sure to always look for grass-fed beef!


Most of the focus of fertility support is geared towards women, but males need support too. A 2021 review published in The Lancet revealed that 50 percent of couples struggling with conceiving had issues with male infertility

The tomato is one of the best foods that supports male fertility. This fruit is loaded with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been found to improve sperm quality. To get the most out of your tomatoes, opt for dishes with cooked tomatoes over ripe ones. If you don't like tomatoes, other foods rich in lycopene include red peppers and watermelon. 

If you are struggling to conceive, you can make a difference by making small changes in your diet and adopting these as a lifestyle change. While many other factors may be out of your control, you very much have control over what you eat. 

Consuming the foods listed above, including other whole grains, lean protein, walnuts, dairy, and seafood, can cause a positive impact on your fertility. While you are adding in these foods, be sure to reduce your consumption of refined carbs like pizza and pasta to support you on your journey. 

The Struggle is Real

Many couples struggle with fertility challenges. Whether you just recently started trying to conceive or have been trying to conceive for years, we can all use help and support. The road to motherhood is not always an easy one. Every month you may feel start hopeful only to feel a sense of loss at when another period arrives.

There are many more options besides a healthy diet, such as fertility acupuncture, massage, and virtual fertility coaching. If you need fertility support in general, reach out for help. If you need some extra fertility boosting tips, download this free fertility e-book

You Already Have a Great Nutrition Regimen…Now What?

If you’re still struggling to conceive and want more support, check out The Wholesome Fertility Podcast for free fertility boosting tips!

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Fertility Michelle Oravitz Fertility Michelle Oravitz

5 Questions to ask yourself when trying to conceive

The fertility journey can prove to be a real rollercoaster when it comes to emotions and personal energy! There are so many factors to consider and while I recommend that all couples go and rule out any underlying conditions, I wanted to share some important things to consider that many may not think about when they first start trying to conceive.  

We all learn in high school the false idea that we can get pregnant at any time in the cycle (eye roll).  And we eventually learn that this can’t be farther from the truth!!  The truth is, there are so many factors that need to align in order for conception to occur.  Here are just five things to consider when trying to conceive that may be affecting your chances.

The fertility journey can prove to be a real rollercoaster when it comes to emotions and personal energy! There are so many factors to consider and while I recommend that all couples go and rule out any underlying conditions, I wanted to share some important things to consider that many may not think about when they first start trying to conceive.  

We all learn in high school the false idea that we can get pregnant at any time in the cycle (eye roll).  And we eventually learn that this can’t be farther from the truth!!  The truth is, there are so many factors that need to align in order for conception to occur.  Here are just five things to consider when trying to conceive that may be affecting your chances.

1.     Are you ovulating and if so, when?  

Ovulation test


The reality: no ovulation =  no pregnancy.  This is why the menstrual cycle as a whole is so pivotal in regard to conception.  Ovulation is the process in which the follicle releases the most viable egg monthly, and without this process there will be no egg to fertilize. Many people can have monthly bleeds without ovulating.  And many people may have positive OPK tests without ovulating.  This can become very confusing because what that means is that your body istrying to ovulate by releasing LH from the pituitary gland, and it doesn’t confirm that your ovaries responded to the LH or the FSH.  One of the best ways to confirm this is by tracking your basal body temperature – you can find details on how to do this in my fertility resources page.  By tracking your temperature you will not only see if you are ovulating, you will also see when.  Many people who have a regular 28-day cycle may assume that they are ovulating on day 14.  But this is not always the case – some may ovulate early, and some may ovulate late.  Your fertile window is about 4-5 days before ovulation so it’s important to know when that occurs.

2.     Do you have food sensitivities?  

Food sensitivities can greatly impact your chances of conceiving!  Inflammation is one of the factors that may not only prevent implantation but also contribute to miscarriages.  It is important therefore that inflammation is kept to a minimum.  This can be done through diet and supplements but first it’s important to see if there is a food that is causing inflammation and sensitivity.  Many cases of unexplained infertility are linked to women having celiac disease.  Celiac disease is a type of autoimmune condition where the small intestine becomes damaged from the body’s reaction to consuming gluten.  The issue with celiac disease is that it can present in so many ways with a range of symptoms, so it may not be easy to recognize and needs to be tested with a physician.  Another condition that may get exacerbated with food sensitivities is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  Similarly, gluten among other foods can worsen the condition – which can in turn impact fertility adversely.

3.     How is your dental and gum health?  

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This one may seem surprising, but there is a link between dental health and fertility.  We know that gum health can impact inflammation not only in gums but systemically.  It has been known to contribute to other conditions such as type II diabetes and heart disease.  It is now also being linked to fertility health!  As written above, inflammation is not beneficial when trying to conceive and is important to keep to a minimum.  This is a simple solution – brush well morning and night (and after meals if you’re disciplined!) and make sure to floss daily!  I also recommend a good neem toothpaste and mouthwash.  Oil pulling (an ayurvedic practice) is also a great way to keep the mouth and gums clean and healthy!

4.     Are you deficient in supplements?  

Studies have linked unexplained infertility to deficiency in vitamins.  I wouldn’t recommend randomly supplementing without first speaking to a licensed practitioner.  But you can easily start with a good prenatal.  Keep in mind though, not all prenatal vitamins are created equal!  Many companies are not third party tested and what that means is, since vitamins are not FDA regulated – you cannot be sure that they really have the ingredients they claim to have.  There are other companies that are third party tested, which means that they hire a separate company to test their quality to show practitioners that they adhere to high quality standards.  Another thing that I personally prefer is that prenatal vitamins have methylfolate instead of folic acid.  Folic acid is synthetic and is harmful for people who have the MTHFR gene mutation.  Since not many people get tested, it is best for all to simply avoid folic acid.  I have a list of recommended prenatal vitamins on my fertility resource page

5.     Are you well rested? 


Did you know that sleep can help you not only recharge, but regulate and metabolize hormones?  Sleep is vital when trying to conceive!  It also reduces overall stress and helps you focus on important daily tasks and decisions (there are so many decisions people who are on the fertility journey need to make!).  One of the ways in which sleep can be improved is by regulating the circadian rhythm.  It gets regulated by daylight as well as darkness at night.  What can confuse your inner cycle is artificial light at night.  This can be regulated by reducing screen time in the evening and allowing an hour or two before sleep to be in a dim environment which is not too bright.  You can also find a sleep hypnosis audio here for suggestions on deep sleep.  

These five questions may not be as obvious when you first begin the journey, but they can really make a difference in how your journey progresses!  If you want more in depth support I am happy to jump on a discovery call with you!

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