#150 How Family Constellation Therapy Can Help Fertility | Natalie Berthold


Natalie Berthold is a leading therapist and teacher of family-systemic therapy (also known as family constellation therapy) and specializes in unlocking trans-generational patterns to free people from what’s holding them back in life.  Unresolved family traumas can keep people repeating patterns and unable to move forward in all areas of their life. Natalie helps her clients to lovingly leave those in the past and to move forward unabashedly! Natalie specializes in any and all health issues, couples and relationship issues (or lack thereof) and financial woes. She also combines these skills with a deep spiritual knowing of individuals on a soul level. She really truly believes nothing is impossible and holds that space for each and every client. In fact, Natalie has witnessed countless miracles in her life and those that she works with. It is also not uncommon for Natalie’s clients to claim so much relief in one session that would have taken years in traditional therapy. 


For more information about Michelle, visit www.michelleoravitz.com

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2149554308396504/

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholesomelotus/

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#151 Navigating Pregnancy After Loss | Lindsay Henke


# 149 Navigating Grief with After Chloe Founder Melo Garcia